Hon. Abdul Kargbo to Light Lungi with Solar Street Lights

  • By Owl
  • 14 July 2021
  • 0

The dynamic Honorable member of Parliament representing the people of  constituency 077 in Lungi and its surrounding has on Friday this week  received, first set of 50 boxes of brand new solar street Lamps for the people of Mayaya, Pewulay, Kitonki, Rowal, Santigia, Katelleh, Mondor, and other surrounding areas of the Lungi Section,

The outspoken MP informed this medium that distribution of these solar street lamps will commence very soon to light the darkest part of his constituency,” these are  Communities that are hugely deprived of government normal electricity distribution”.he asserted

Photo: Hon. Abdul Kargbo, Honorable Member of Parliament representing the people of  Constituency 077

The fine gentleman of this constituency said Providing these solar street lights will help to lessen the street darkness and provide the effects of positive beauty of light for the people of constituency 077.

With ambition, the Honorable noted that more of these street lamps are on their way and promised to see that his people benefit from the beauty of light. He said when these lights have been installed it would help children with their academic studies and creates a point of convergence for the communities.

The Honorable member for the past year’s in the chamber of Parliament has been calling on the government to provide adequate electricity supply for the people of Lungi and according to him “they deserved it”.

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