See his reaction
“Gentlemen..I am 5713 Sisay Omaru BADARA.
Everything I am. Everything I breathe. Is Bo School.
Please be REST assured. I will never shame you!
When Our Country was on its knees, Our government at the time reached out to me to come and help them save it.
I did. I did not steal a penny. I did not even allocate myself a personal vehicle – even though I was in charge of a fleet of several hundred vehicles.
The CoI never interviewed me or asked me a single question. Even though I offered myself up to them. I didn’t stop there. I TRAVELLED to Salone in November/December 2019, AS THE COMMISSION WAS ONGOING, and presented myself to the ACC.
I SHARED WITH THEM ALL THE DOCUMENTS REGARDING ASSETS my Situation Room had sight of. The Auditor Generals office has the same documents.
However, despite all this, it seems our brothers in the PAOPA govt have decided to make an example of distractions like me who ask difficult questions. I have this nasty habit of holding a mirror!
So now I am to be considered a man who stole 254 vehicles that Rightfully belong to the people of Sierra Leone. My name is in the front line alongside APC thieves. Who made this decision? Surely it CANNOT be a legally sound one – becuase how can you make a JUDGEMENT about someone when you didn’t bother to QUESTION him? It is clear there is an agenda. So, this is now a matter of integrity and character.

It is clear, Our Government – the Government of MY OWN BROTHERS is seeking to condemn me without interviewing or asking me ANYTHING.
Why? Because I am annoying. Because I lead the Awkward Jedi Order of WAKANDA. That speaks TRUTH to power.
Well fine! If I stole 254 vehicles, the evidence will show it….despite the fact that NO ONE EVER CALLED ME TO TALK ABOUT VEHICLES! You indict a man you NEVER Questioned! Can you list the engine and chassis numbers of these 254 vehicles I stole?
You can’t. Because THE ONLY REASON you know about how many vehicles there were in the first place…..is because I sent the CoI the list and number of vehicles!
Today is the day I have come to know POWER MEANS MORE THAN OBBA.
It is a day I will never forget.