Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) for Consultancy service for the Development and Facilitation of a three-day National Stake Holders Capacity Building Workshop for the Elaboration of the Sierra Leone National Qualifications Framework.
PN: 20.2105.3-003.00
Cosoft No: 83460670
- Employment Promotion Programme (EPP)
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with additional financial support from the EU is implementing the fourth phase of the Employment Promotion Programme (EPP) over a period spanning August 2020 to April 2024. The overall objective of the programme is to improve the livelihoods of youth employment through vocational training and local business development, better policy implementation and skills development in Sierra Leone.
- Areas of Implementation
The Entrepreneurship in Agro-processing trainings addresses the needs of rural young people within the GIZ/EPP operational districts of Kailahun, Kono, Koinadugu and Falaba.
- Strategy
The TVET Development Component of EPP IV addresses the mismatch between skills supply and the labour market demand through provision of targeted skills training among youth using the private sector approach. By providing the relevant trainings and injecting financial support in their investment will improve their livelihoods.
- Purpose of Consultancy
Services of local consultancy firm is to Plan and Facilitate a three-day National Stake Holders Capacity Building workshop in collaboration with NCTVA & ACQF for the elaboration and development of a comprehensive Sierra Leone National Qualifications Framework (SLNQF).
Specific objectives
- Effective coordination with the host MDA –NCTVA in collaboration with the African Continental Qualification Framework (ACQF) to ensure a well-planned and delivered workshop based on the related requirements as stated in the TOR.
- Key stakeholders are practically mobilized and supported with relevant resources to fully participate in all sessions of the workshop.
- Deliverables
- Introduction and deepening on the concepts, implementation methods and instruments and practices related to NQF in a systemic view. The themes of this Program are listed below.
- Application and debate: brainstorming and strategic reflection on the NQF for Sierra Leone.
- Award certificates Participation to participants who complete the program. The agenda combines key thematic presentations with discussion, practical exercises, and contextualized application.
- Well laid knowledge and skills foundation for prepared stakeholders who are actively involved in the SLNQF development and finalization between April to June 2024.
- Timeframe
The consultancy is expected to run from second week April 2024 to end of June 2024
- Prequalification of Firms
For Expression of Interest and prequalification, prospective bidders should submit the following valid documentation:
- Brief company/Service provider profile (3 pages) detailing minimum three years’ experience in the tasks outlined in the scope of work.
- Specifically, evidence of 5 years’ experience in coordinating TVET related interventions. with NCTVA & or ACQF.
- National Revenue Authority (NRA) tax clearance certificate (advantage)
- Certificate of Business Registration (advantage)
- Submission of Expressions of Interest
Eligible consulting firms and/or institutions should submit their “Expression of Interest” via Email to SL_Quotation@giz.de not later than 14th March 2024, 5:00 PM local time, clearly marked with “Development and Facilitation of National Stake Holders Capacity Building Workshop for the Sierra Leone National Qualifications Framework”. Only prequalified bidders will be contacted with detailed Terms of Reference and tender documentation for submission of technical and financial bids.