Call for Expression of Interest (EoI)
National Coordinator (Consultant) to help in the running, supporting and coordination of all activities of the Sierra Leone Rice Observatory (SLeRO)
PN: 21.2199.4-105.00
COSOFT NO: 83460159
The Market-Oriented Value Chains for Jobs and Growth in the ECOWAS Region (MOVE) project is commissioned by the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) and co-financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the European Union (EU). The project is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The overall objective of MOVE is to build market-oriented and resilient value chains (rice and cashew) that contribute to the creation of income and employment in the ECOWAS region. Specifically, the goals of MOVE are:
MOVE is implemented in Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Côte d’Ivoire, and Senegal, and represents the merger of two previously well-established regional projects: The Competitive Cashew Initiative (ComCashew) and the Competitive African Rice Initiative (CARI). Both respective brands CARI and ComCashew are kept under the umbrella of the MOVE project.
This assignment is specific to the rice value chain (CARI). Rice is the fastest growing food source in Africa. Demand for rice has been growing faster than anywhere else in the world in recent years and far outstripping the sub-region’s population growth. In West Africa, local production covers only 60% of current demand and yield growth rates lag far behind population growth rates. For this reason, different donor organisations are currently investing in rice projects in West Africa to support ECOWAS Rice Offensive to achieve rice self-sufficiency by 2030. Consequently, the ECOWAS Rice Observatory (ERO) was established with the following three main objectives:
The ERO aims at helping key actors in the West African rice sector better coordinate policy, value chain development, financing, and R&D to work synergistically. The ERO has a bottom-up structure, acting at a regional level on the strategic priorities identified by national-level stakeholders. Since the official establishment of the ERO in late 2021, the board members met on a monthly basis virtually to discuss and decide on key aspects of the ERO. Now, to connect the regional level to the national level of all ECOWAS countries, the national chapters, Sierra Leone Rice Observatory (SLeRO) has been be established to connect both bodies.
Overall goal
In light of the ECOWAS rice observatory national chapter (SLeRO) will play an advocacy role for good policies and standard practices that will promote sustainability of rice production and ensure competitiveness of the locally produced rice.
To this end, MOVE requires the service of an individual consultant that will conceptualize the rice policy platform, identify, and support the host organization and facilitate the running of the ERO national chapter) in Sierra Leone thereof refers to as the Sierra Leone Rice Observatory (SLeRO).
Purpose and Timeframe
To ensure a successful implementation and institutionalisation of the intervention, a long duration of the contract is foreseen.
For this assignment, the Service Provider will be required to complete seven (7) clusters of implementations for the period spanning 1st April 2024 until 30th January 2025
Geographic areas of implementation
There are three geographical zones of implementation under this intervention, mainly Freetown with expectations of traveling within the country if required.
Qualifications: Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural Extension, or other related fields.
Language: Speak English fluently (C1), French is an advantage.
General professional experience: Five (5) years of experience working in agricultural value chains/ market development, inclusive business with the private sector in Sierra Leone.
Specific professional experience: Three (3) years’ experience working with programs or platforms related to rice and two (2) years’ Experience in setting up and running public-private stakeholder events, dialogues, and trade shows;
Leadership/management experience: two (2) years’ experience working in teams and managing processes dependent on cooperation with multiple actors.
Development cooperation: two (2) years’ experience in working with GIZ or other development organisations
Other: experience in working in the rice sector is an advantage, experience in networking and facilitating dialogue with private and public-sector actors;
- Knowledge of the rice landscape and stakeholders in Sierra Leone;
- Knowledge of programs implemented by both public entities and donors;
- Ability to monitor the program’s progress and work well with all level
- Ability to work in multicultural teams, autonomy, active listener, conflict management, gender awareness, delegation, etc.
- Excellent communication skills (written/oral, negotiation, networking, and presentation);
- Good command of office automation tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.);
- Excellent organizational skills and commitment to meeting deadlines.
Documents to be submitted
- Letter of Interest
- Relevant academic certificates
- Curriculum vitae given details about past work experiences
- Details of two referees
Submission of Expressions of Interest
Eligible and interested experts should submit their Expression of Interest ONLY via Email to the email: SL_Quotation@giz.de not later than 5:00pm on the 5th of March 2024.
Please Note: Only prequalify applicants will be contacted for submission of technical and financial proposals.