National Competitive Bidding: FCC/NCB/EOI/022/002
Date of Issue: 03/03/2022
Freetown City Council (FCC) is delighted to inform the General Public that it is actively seeking partners to improve service delivery of critical sanitation services to Freetonians.
Objective of the Assignment
FCC is soliciting proposals from experienced and professional companies dealing in sanitation and waste management. Specifically, FCC wishes to partner with qualified organisations with an interest in converting waste to energy (WTE) in the Western Area (Urban) Municipality.
It is estimated that approximately 550 Tons of solid waste is generated every day in Freetown. The proportion of waste that is safely disposed of has increased from about 20% in 2018 (approx 110 tons daily) to almost 40% (220 tons) in 2021. This increase results from improvements to FCC’s waste management system which addresses 1 behavioural change (eg improved enforcement), 2 collection (eg micro-enterprise tricycle groups), 3 transfer (6 new transfer stations), 4 disposal (improvements to Kingtom and Bomeh dumpsites, additional plant equipment, City’s first Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) plant) and 5 recycling. In 2022 FCC intends to implement procedural, technical and infrastructural improvements to FCC’s solid waste chain, with the aim of increasing this volume still further. One of the technical solutions that FCC wishes to pursue is that of Waste to Energy (WTE), a concept that converts waste of all types to energy.
The selected partner will be required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with FCC to deliver WTE services according to clearly identified service levels and national regulatory guidelines, and potentially in conjunction with third parties. FCC intends for the collaboration to be conducted either on a payment, profit-sharing basis or in exchange for use of FCC assets, or a combination thereof.
The Council is specifically interested in expressions of interest from Waste-to-Energy (WtE) technologies that:
- Create clean, climate-friendly energy in the form of electricity or clean fuels from a number of waste sources, including 1 Liquid and semi-solid waste (e.g. sludge from faecal sludge and liquid waste treatment plants) and 2 Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) – of all types including food residue, wood waste, paper, textiles, plastics, and rubber.
- Utilise liquid or solid waste from all or any parts of FCC’s waste value chain, including households, communities, public spaces, transfer stations and dumpsites.
The selected operator will be required to demonstrate to FCC that:
- WTE systems meet all national regulations to minimise risks to the environment or health.
- Design, maintenance and operation of WTE plants meet the requisite standards.
- WTE operating model includes monitoring to measure concentrations of pollutants (eg sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen chloride, and carbon monoxide)
- WTE operating model grants access to regular FCC on-site audits and inspections, and reports to the FCC ESO.
- Operating model detects and reports to FCC, within 24 hours if any of the emission limits set out in environmental permits are exceeded, and explain steps (including closure) to reduce them.
Performance Bond or Retention. Dependant on the agreed business model, the selected WtE company may be required to provide a performance bond for protection against poor performance, otherwise FCC will retain a percentage of monthly revenue until the end of the year. Performance Bond or Retention will be used to pay for any performance deductions incurred by the company in delivering the service or for any loss/damage caused by the company.
Termination Provisions. FCC will have the right to terminate and replace the company for a variety of events which would include, but is not limited to, prolonged Force Majeure, poor performance for short period of time or substandard performance over a longer period, fraud, bankruptcy, corruption, and other forms of malfeasance.
The Selection Process
FCCnow invites firms to indicate their interest in conducting WTE operations in Freetown. As part of the Expression of Interest, interested firms must provide a Prequalification Submission, which should include a statement of capability and experience that indicates any and all qualifications to perform the services described (description of similar assignments, experience in similar assignments, availability of appropriate skills and staff, etc.). All firms that prequalify will then be invited to attend an FCC review board, at which they will be expected to present their proposal with the requisite technical and financial details.
All EoIs must also be accompanied by:
- A Valid Business Registration Certificate
- A Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
- A Valid NaSSIT Certificate
- A Valid Local Council Certificate
This advertisement is open to all firms that may express their interest and provide the aforementioned eligibility requirements. A short list of firms will be compiled in accordance with requirements set out in this Expression of Interest. Written expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by not later than 12:00 hours 31st March, 2022.
The Procurement Officer
Freetown City Council
17 Wallace Johnson Street
Tel: +232 76 674978