Freetown City Council
Completion of Wilberforce Market
Procurement Number: FCC/ADMIN/NCB/CW/2021/001
Date of First Issue: 3rd/02/2021
The Freetown City Council has received funds from Bloomberg and its Own Source Revenue for the completion of Wilberforce Market; and now invitessealed bids from eligible bidders for the construction and completion of:
1. Market Stalls for Wet Goods
2. Market Stalls for Dry Goods
3. Community Center/Hall
The construction of the Wilberforce market was first awarded in October, 2015, but work was stalled due to insufficient funding. With the intervention of Bloomberg, the Freetown City Council has thought it fit to complete the said structure, owing to the fact that the market women within this community are constrained with a comfortable market space to do their sales.
Bidding is open to all bidders with Premier or Class A Certificate from the MoWPA and who can demonstrate Technical and Financial capability to carry out the works.
Interested bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding document at the address below between 9:00 am -3:30 pm (Mondays to Fridays). Bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Le 350,000 (Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Leones).
Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 2nd March, 2021 at 1:00 pm . All bids must be accompanied by:
- A Valid Business Registration Certificate
- A Valid Local Council Registration Certificate
- A copy of Classification Certificate from the Ministry of Works and Public Assets (Premier or Class A )
- Bid Security of Le150,000,000 from a reputable Commercial Bank;
- A Valid NRA Tax Clearance Certificate;
- A Valid NASSIT Clearance Certificate;
- A signed Integrity Pact;
- Evidence of similar works performed
Bids will be publicly opened on Tuesday 2nd/03/2021at1:10 pm in the presence of the bidders’ or designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders.
Procurement Officer;
Procurement Unit;
Conference Room;
7th Floor, New City Hall;
17 Wallace Johnson Street;
Freetown City;
Telephone: +232 76 674 978