Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone has held its matriculation ceremony for 3,256 Students on 19th March , 2024 at the Ajayi Crowther Amphitheatre, FBC.
Several academic and administrative officers attended the ceremony. Also, parents and well-wishers accompanied their sons and daughters to the matriculation ceremony. Matriculation is an event where newly admitted students sign the university register to become legitimate students of a university. Those fresh students usually promise to abide by the rules and regulations governing the university and thereafter they would be admitted by the Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University. The Acting Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University of Sierra Leone, Professor Aiah Lebbie officially admitted the matriculants to the University of Sierra Leone.
He encouraged them to be focused, resilient and law abiding throughout their academic activities in the University of Sierra Leone. Professor Lebbie appealed to the students, saying, “our vision of providing you with the best education through our many academic programs takes into account the critical emerging needs of Sierra Leone. The University of Sierra Leone will be yours to keep if you fervently adhere to its tenets. So, lets us all move this great institution and commit to ensuring its progress for a prosperous Sierra Leone”.
In welcoming the students to FBC, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (DVC), FBC, Professor Kelleh Gbawuru Mansaray stated more than 3, 256 students were ready to sign the University Register today. “Records before us indicate that 9,000 candidates applied for admission into Fourah Bay College this Academic Session. While congratulating you for being found suitable for admission at this time you should count yourselves among the luckiest ones who were selected,” the DVC emphasized. Professor Mansaray, also, assured the matriculants and those present that his administration’s primary focus is on revenue generation to enable the implementation of transformative programmes; the projects and activities that will accelerate the restoration of the past glory of the college. “We have a portfolio of projects, which include construction of lecture Rooms, enhancement of the College’s ICT infrastructure and wide availability of internet to faculty, staff and students, expansion of students’ hostels and staff quarters, fencing of the campus, equipping labs, providing transportation facility for students, and ensuring a secure and conductive campus for learning and living of residents, including staff and students,” he outlined the focus of the FBC administration.
Acting Vice Chancellor and Principal emphasized the role and support of his administration towards quality education and customer service to all university students, “you are here to succeed in life, and my administration will do everything possible to guide you along that path… I am going to encourage my staff to see you and treat you with dignity and compassion. You are number one, and you mean a lot to me, and the University of Sierra Leone is beaming with pride to admit you”. He admonished all the matriculants to avoid cultism. “The University of Sierra Leone has zero tolerance for cultic behavior, and I want you to refrain from joining any such groups. The prevailing Kush culture which is sweeping through our nation is unfortunate; try to be shining example of a generation that says no to it,” Professor Aiah Lebbie cautioned his students. Professor Lebbie encouraged his students to be creative through critical thinking, and problem-solving approach rather than memorizing notes and without any capacity to apply themselves after leaving the university. “Memorizing huge amounts of facts stick in your heads with no creativity or relevance, will not get you to be part of the blooming knowledge economy”.