By Mohamed Asmieu Bah
Just yesterday I wrote a tribute in honor of late Dr Abdul Karim Koroma, in that piece I did write that the fortnight had been tough for Sierra Leoneans because of the frequent deaths, little did I know in less than twenty four hours I will be writing another tribute this time for an uncle and friend of mine.
I woke up this morning and decided to check my phone and the first group I checked was the FPU North America, and the first message that greeted my eyes was the death of Ambassador Abubakatrr Jalloh. Yesterday while writing AKK’s tribute I had a short thought about Ambassador Abubakarr .
Few weeks ago I called his son Alpha Jalloh to enquire about his health and I promised to call Aunty Madinatu’s number ( the late man’s wife) so I could talk to him, but Allah did not permit me to call her.

Ambassador Abubakarr was an unknown relative to me during my childhood days, I only heard about his contribution to the advancement of the fullah people, and his hey days at NDMC in Kono from my father, we were small boys so we didn’t know him during his active days in public service, but I came to know him in 2002 when he was chosen by Ernest Bai Koroma as his running mate. He was later disqualified so he couldn’t be part of the APC ticket, and since that time he became fond of me and held me like his son, he would invite me to his house, will have a chat with me, and will tell me about so many things ranging from politics to his professional life and fullah matters. I remember him telling me about his boyhood life at Magazine Cot, how his mother used to sell fruits and his father was one of the respected Islamic scholars in the fullah community. He further told me about his days at the Methodist Boys High School, where because of his background as a fullah and a muslim he was seen as the odd person among his peers, but that did not stop him from becoming what he wanted to become . According to him he had big dreams and he worked hard to gain admission to Fourah Bay College, and made his family, and community proud, true to his aspiration he did achieve that. He became a trailblazer in the fullah community, he inspired many future politicians from the fullah community, Hon Chernoh Bah is one of his products and mentee.
Whenever I visited him at his Juba Hill Residence he will call me to sit close to him and will tell me things that he will hardly tell someone of my age, and in one occasion his wife had this to say “Asmieu you are indeed Baba’s friend as he talks highly of you.”

When he was Minister of Mines during the Ernest Bai Koroma first term, he would invite me and late Alhaji Borbor Bah of SLBC to his Youyi Building Office, and will give me the previllege to sit and talk with him on a range of issues, whenever he saw me on tv he will tell me how proud he was of my presentation skills and will further give me a pat on my back.
When his mother died he said to me one of his happiest moments in life was to see the ‘’fulamusu’’ who toiled for him lived a long life to see her son become a minister of government, and on her death, her remains were driven through Kissy Road and given a befitting funeral.After that statement he couldn’t hold his tears.
If it were for his wish his niece would have been the one I was to marry. It was one day when he invited me and one of our respected Islamic scholars to his office, I didn’t know why he had invited us but I knew it was something positive but what was it i couldn’t tell. When we met him the first thing he asked was if I had tied the knot or had seen someone whom I wish to marry ? I said no sir, he further asked ‘’if I get you someone will you marry her,’’ I said hmmmmm ! let me see the person and then I will consider about that sir. He made all the necessary efforts but it was not meant to happen, that’s to show how much affection he had for me. After my wedding i took my wife to him, and he told my wife ” I had almost found him a wife, but it was not meant to happen.”

When he was appointed as Ambassador to Libya he told me that was his last position in active politics, and that he wanted to come home and focus on serving Allah and humanity, the reason he built a mosque in his compound so the community will have a place of worship.
The last time I visited him I noticed his health had seriously deteriorated, a man who will spend more than one hour with me in his living room couldn’t spend even ten minutes with me, it was then I realized how serious his health condition had become. Baba as you were called at home you are gone but know we shall never forget your pieces of advice, and will emulate your good examples. You were always the truth teller, you will never mince your words or be an hypocrite, that’s the character you had. He was able to combine the arts of an academic, an activist, a religious scholar and a politician.

Oh Allah you are the most merciful pardon our father, uncle and grandfather, let the angels of peace receive him, make his grave wide, bright and comfortable, and save him from the torment of the grave.