Author: Chief Alhaji THONKLA
The BIO’s Administration peculiar Mid Term census and the Voters Registration data have both revealed irreconcilable differences and thus cannot be wired to the public domain in order to stand the test of accuracy and reliability.
The Electoral Commission Sierra Leone(ECSL ) in pursuant to Section 2 of the Right to Access Information Act 2013 as a government Institution is under legal obligation to publish recent Data on Voters registration requested by All People’s Congress National Secretary General comrade LANSANA Dumbuya Esq in the best interest of transparency, democracy and Constitutionality.
The 2013 Act is a legal instrument designed by former President Koroma’s administration to respond to a clarion call to strengthen and improve transparency across the aisles of government by making information readily accessible for public consumption.

Section 2(b) states that,” where the public authority holds information of the description specified in the request, to have the information communicated to that person”.
The APC National Secretary General Comrade Lansana Dumbuya Esq is the applicant in this case keen to access Voters Registration data by centers in order to nurture the tenets of democracy and data sharing but Commissioner Konneh is shockingly frightened to disclose such key information that will propel the wheels of democracy and delegated responsibilities.
Subsection (6) further compels government institutions holding relevant information to deny or confirm. “ A public authority shall be deemed to have complied with subsection (4) if it has communicated the information to the applicant”. Millions of Sierra Leoneans and our NSG clearly fit into this category again as applicants keen to gain access to this relevant information ECSL Commissioner is nervous to disclose to the public stifling access to government data, transparency and delegated responsibility.
Government and its institutions are integral part of the jigsaw puzzles amalgamated to dispense the affairs of the state and failing to do so is an affront to accountability, responsible leadership and transparency.
The recent Voters Registration Data ought to be published and publish according to the 2013 Act entails,” to make information available in a form of generally accessible to members of the public and includes print, broadcast and electronic forms of information dissemination”!