Sierra Leoneans in and outside of the country have unanimously condemned a recent Tweet posted on social media by Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) President Thomas Daddy Brima in which he deliberately made no mention of his predecessor Isha Johansen for her role in single-handedly bringing CAF instructors to train 25 female inmates in football refereeing. Even CAF made mention of Isha Johansen and appreciated her efforts and work done for the progress of football in Sierra Leone. But for Daddy Brima to not even make a cursory recommendation of his own Sierra Leonean sister is most abhorring.

Such behavior from someone responsible for the growth of football in Sierra Leone is unbecoming and point to the reason why football is just going down the drain.
Thomas Daddy Brima has demonstrated that he is unfit for the position he currently holds and has displayed ungratefulness and maliciousness to the highest degree against Isha Johansen who brought him to the position he is today and is responsible for making him the president of SLFA he is today, an angry football fan blasted.
This is the most ungrateful man ever to have been made SLFA President because he loathes to admit and appreciate people, he actually owes respect, allegiance and even his success to. With all the hard work of Isha Johansen in shaping football in the country; ensuring she left her footmarks in Sierra Leone football by initiating construction of mini stadiums and fitting them with artificial turf, all the thanks Thomas Daddy Brima can tell Isha Johansen is not to mention her name as having any part in the training of the 25 inmates as referees and then to relegate her team FC Johansen, the fan noted.

Another very angry fan who has been following this whole episode said God will not be happy with a man like Thomas Daddy Brima, adding that interestingly he is mistakenly making himself believe he would retain the SLFA top seat, not realizing that this singular action has made him very unpopular to all football fans in Sierra Leone.
Another fan, Alusine Sannoh said with what Daddy Brima has manifested, it will make others afraid to give power to anyone even if that person fits the bill for such a position.