The nation’s largest publicly owned financial institution, the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank today Monday, October 11, 2021, launched its annually celebrated Customer Service Week at the bank’s...
Sierra Leonean engineers, ordinary citizens and lovers of the environment are praising Orange-SL for taking the bold step to ensure that it provides green energy in its...
There was a massive celebration on Friday 24th September 2021 at Menthaba Village in the Sanda Tendaren Chiefdom, to not only welcome the first even White Man...
By John Sheka Tarawalie The leading telecommunication company in Sierra Leone Orange SL on Thursday 23rd September, 2021 opened its franchise in Zimmi, Pujehun District, Southern Province....
The border town of Zimmi will turn orange as Orange-SL storms the township today, Thursday 23rd September, 2021 to launch it’s first-ever franchise in that part of...
The Chief Executive Officer and Senior Management of Orange-SL on Tuesday 21st September, 2021 stormed Bo City, Southern Sierra Leone. The purpose of the visit was to...
Davar Fazaeli, Founder and CEO of Zoodlabs has informed the media that: ‘Together with our partners; CrossBoundary Energy, USAID, The Shell Foundation, Powerhive and Netis, we have...
With the arrival of Zoodlabs SL Ltd., which is a comprehensive technology and smart utility infrastructure company, Sierra Leone’s submarine fiber optic will be fully powered by...
By John Sheka Tarawalie Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Prof. Alpha Wurie on Wednesday 8th September, 2021 handed over cheques to the winners of this year’s...