BIG TROUBLE… NRA Begins Search for Fake Degrees

  • By Owl
  • 13 April 2022
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BIG TROUBLE… NRA Begins Search for Fake Degrees

By Francis Kamara

The National Revenue Authority (NRA) has taken the lead to weed out people within the Authority that could possibly have gained employment in the Authority using fake degrees.

It could be recalled that in recent days, an alarm was raised about people carrying fake degrees they acquired from a so-called Dominion Christian University located at Waterloo in the east of Freetown. In the wake of the fake university saga, it was brought to light that degrees and academic credentials were bought rather than attained through academic struggle. A number of top Sierra Leoneans were named as having got their so-called academic qualifications from the Dominion Christian University.

PHOTO: Dr. Samuel Jibao , National Revenue Authority is in the right step in terms of achieving transparency and honesty

However, accolades must be given to the National Revenue Authority (NRA) which through a press statement dated 12th April, 2022, stated that it has instructed all Managers, Supervisors and Officers, to submit all academic certificates to update their personal file.

It is believed that this came as a result of the negative effect spread nationwide by the Dominion Christian University saga. This is a good step towards having qualified individuals in the right position for jobs, especially in top government institutions like the NRA.

According to recent research, it is proven that fraudulent qualifications are increasingly widespread in Africa and now Sierra Leone. The scale of the problem is hard to quantify precisely. But in Sierra Leone, with a population of just over 7 million people, hundreds of fake degrees have been brought to light in the last couple of weeks.

Framed certificates printed in the style of university accreditation and adorned with seals and signatures are much sought after in Sierra Leone. It has now become a way of acquiring prestige, getting jobs, and in some cases, laundering a person’s reputation.

That is why the National Revenue Authority established through an Act of Parliament – charged with the responsibility of assessing and collecting domestic taxes, customs duties and other revenues specified by law, as well as administering and enforcing laws relating to these revenues. It is against this backdrop that the NRA has taken this bold and professional step with thorough ethical considerations, as they are an agency of government entrusted with monetary services,

Many people believe that this move by the National Revenue Authority is the right step in terms of achieving transparency and honesty, and this is what is expected from various institutions as soon as people – the public and the National Revenue Authority has urged all government offices, other institutions, organizations and MDAs to follow suit in the positive transformation of the country.

As we applaud and promote the professionalism of the NRA – this medium has urged all other media houses to bring into light any form of intellectual impersonation perpetrated by Sierra Leoneans, especially individuals holding positions at government offices.

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