Bar Association Saga: Attorney General Invites Warah Serry Kamal and Sorie Sengbeh Mara

  • By Owl
  • 12 July 2024
  • 0

Sierra Leone Attorney- General and Minister of Justice has extended a formal invitation to Lawyers Wara Serry-Kamal and Augustine Marah to attend a meeting at his office.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss issues that are of mutual interest to the Sierra Leone Bar Association.

The said meeting is scheduled for today ,Friday, 12th July 2024, at the Conference Hall of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, 3rd floor Guma Building, Lamina Sankoh Street, Freetown at 3:00pm prompt.

The Attorney General ‘s Intervention seeks to bring all factions together to foster dialogue and find a Path forward for the Association

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