In line with government’s human capital development agenda, leading mobile network, Orange Sierra Leone understands the need to invest in the young people of Sierra Leone so they can realize their dreams and entrepreneurial aspirations. That is why the company has increased the prize money for the winner of the Orange Social Venture Prize (OSVP) by four folds.
The OSVP is an initiative that was launched by Orange to promote businesses and give entrepreneurs a shot at success. That support has been crucial to their survival and has given them a good start in a very competitive business field.
Young people in Sierra Leone are aspiring to be business leaders, but taking the first step has been the most difficult part. Understanding the vision of young people and believing in them is the most crucial part, and Orange has consistently shown the willingness to take that risk and invest in the dreams of these young people.
Public Relations Manager for Orange Sierra Leone, Annie Wonnie Katta said: “This year we are going big, because the prize money has increased by 400% compared to two years ago when the money was Le20 to Le25 million. This year the star prize is Le 100 million, so that is why we want the message to go far, so young people with innovative ideas and start -ups will apply for this grant.”

This year Orange also encouraged applicants to develop ideas to tackle a problem like climate change and other environmental sustainability issues. The application for OSVP was open since February and was closed in the first week of June.
OSVP is a competition that accepts proposals with the best innovative business ideas that are impactful to communities. The winner will get Le100 million as prize money and if the winner is a woman, she will get Le50 million extra, taking her prize money to Le150 million.
All these interventions have taken CSR to a whole new height in Sierra Leone with investment in to long lasting and impactful programs that will change the lives of people.