African Bar Association Raises Concerns Over Disputed 2024 Sierra Leone Bar Association Elections

  • By Owl
  • 22 May 2024
  • 0

The African Bar Association (AFBA) has issued a press statement expressing deep concern over the disputed proceedings of the 2024 Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA), particularly regarding the election of new officers.

Reports received by AFBA indicated sudden changes to the agenda of the conference and irregularities in the election process, leading to the disenfranchisement of a significant portion of SLBA members. Past Presidents of the SLBA have also voiced their dissatisfaction with the situation, highlighting various irregularities in the election process.

AFBA emphasized the critical role of an independent bar in upholding the rule of law, democracy, and good governance. It stressed the importance of a united and independent SLBA, free from external influences and vested interests, to serve as a voice for the judiciary and citizens.

In urging for calm, AFBA called upon the outgoing SLBA Executive to collaborate with Past Presidents and other relevant legal authorities to facilitate a transparent and credible transition of leadership. The goal is to ensure that future leaders of the SLBA are genuinely elected by the majority of lawyers in Sierra Leone, fostering a united and harmonious bar association.

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