AVDP:Invitation for Bids-Supply and Delivery of Polythene Bags for Cocoa and Oil Palm Seedlings

AVDP:Invitation for Bids-Supply and Delivery of Polythene Bags for Cocoa and Oil Palm Seedlings

Invitation for Bids

Freetown, Sierra Leone

24th January, 2024

Re:      Supply and delivery of polythene bags for cocoa and oil palm Seedlings.  

Reference No: SLE-2000001544-0175-G-ICB

  1. The Government of Sierra Leone has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) ), Adaption Fund (AF), OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and Toni Blair Institute (TBI), the financing of which is being administered by IFAD towards the cost ofAgricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVDP) and intends to apply part of the financing for the purchase of these goods. The use of any IFAD financing shall be subject to IFAD’s approval, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the financing agreement, as well as IFAD’s rules, policies and procedures. IFAD and its officials, agents and employees shall be held harmless from and against all suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses and liability of any kind or nature brought by any party in connection with Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVDP).
  2. The goal of AVDP is livelihoods and climate change resilience of rural farming households in Sierra Leone improved, while the project development objective (PDO) is to promote agriculture as a business for enhanced incomes and reduced rural poverty, among 42,985 rural households.  The AVDP will be implemented nationwide over a six-year period. A value chain development approach will drive theimplementation process, supported by the application of a robust targeting strategy to ensure the inclusion of the rural poor in both the implementation of project activities and the sharing of the benefits and priority attention to enhancing climate resilience among the project beneficiaries.

3.    The purchaser now invites sealed bids from eligible entities (“bidders”) for the provision of Supply and delivery of polythene bags for cocoa and oil palm Seedling . More details on these goods and related services are provided in the schedule of requirements in this bidding document.

  • This IFB is open to all eligible bidders who wish to respond. Subject to the restrictions noted in the bidding document, eligible entities may associate with other bidders to enhance their capacity to successfully deliver the goods and related services.
  • The goods and related services, and the contract expected to be awarded, are as follows:
Item NoDescription of goodsUnit of MeasurementQuantityEarliest delivery dateLatest delivery date  
1Supply and delivery of polythene bags for cocoa pieces4,050,000four weeksfive weeks
2Supply and delivery of polythene bags for Oil Palm farmspieces189,000four weeksfive weeks
  • Bidding will be conducted using the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) method, the evaluation procedure for which is described in this bidding document, in accordance with the IFAD procurement handbook which is provided on the IFAD website www.ifad.org/project-procurement. The ICB process, as described, will include a review and verification of qualifications and past performance, including a reference check, prior to the contract award.
  • Bidders interested in submitting a bid shall purchase the bidding document against payment of a non-refundable fee of SLE1200 or USD50. Payment shall be made to the Agricultural Value Chain Development Project through Western Union Money Transfer, RIA, MoneyGram (Attention Debora F. Bangura) or  in the following account: Account Name:
  • Account Name:  Agriculture Value Chain Development Project
  • Account No:       014-001-107-861-136-462
  • Bank:                  Commerce and Mortgage Bank
  • Bidding documents can be obtained by sending an e-mail with a copy of the payment slip, giving full contact details of the bidder and the subject of procurement, to  avdppmu@gmail.com. This will also ensure that the bidders receive the bidding document by email, as well as any updates regarding the bidding document.
  • Address: 183 Old Railway Line, Messima, Bo, Southern Sierra Leone
  • Bids must be delivered electronically to the PMU via the following link and in the manner specified in the bid data sheet – instructions to bidders 25.1, no later than 21st  February, 2025 at 12:00 GMT.      Link:   https://bit.ly/BidForPolytheBags
  1. Bidders shall be aware that late bids will not be accepted under any circumstance. All bids must be accompanied by:

Applicable to Local Bidders

  • Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
  • Copy of valid NASSIT Clearance Certificate
  • Copy of valid NRA Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Copy of valid Local Council Certificate
  • Manufacturer’s Authorization/local dealership license 

Applicable to Foreign Bidders

  1. Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
  2. Copy of valid Tax Clearance Certificate
  3. Manufacturer’s Authorization
  1. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security as shown below and stated in BDS.

Bid security in the form of a Bank Guarantee. The amount and currency of the Bid Security shall be the equivalent of USD4,500 and be denominated in any freely convertible currency. Bid Security from community and village banks and Bid Bond from insurance companies are not acceptable

  1. There will be a bid opening via ZOOM on 21st February 2025 at 12:30 GMT. Bidders or representatives can participate using the following link 

Link to join Bid Opening: https://bit.ly/3W5cARE


Yours sincerely,

Project Manager

Agricultural Value Chain Development Project

183 Old Railway Line, Messima, Bo City

Sierra Leone

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