More Pressure for SLPP as…. Hon. Timbo Returns

More Pressure for SLPP as…. Hon. Timbo Returns

Dear Friends, Comrades, and Sierra Leoneans,

Today, I choose to formally declare my return to national politics. For the past months and years, many who don’t know me personally, have been asking whether I have given up since they haven’t been hearing or seeing me. Well, many a time, I had questioned myself whether I am cut out for the noise in our politics. Many a time, I had asked myself whether giving up on being a barrister was a prudent decision – I was definitely on a brilliant trajectory in that field. Many a time, I look at the opportunities I turned down just out of love for this nation.

I must admit, there were times when I thought of quitting and retreating to my happy and quiet place. I felt like politics here has become so toxic that once friends are now enemies, partners are now strangers, every single thought expressed is judged with political lenses and daggers drawn, a feeling of ‘us’ versus ‘them’, a feeling of ‘na we turn’ and ‘we turn dae cam’. It is so sad and draining. 

I have always said I am a politician and not an activist or social media commentator, so my being quiet did not mean I wasn’t active. Maybe I lost the platform and those who once invited me for my views stopped inviting me. No problem though.

In my moments of doubt, some voices and scenes, and messages remained ever-present. How can I just abandon the multitudes of old and young, men and women, boys and girls, students, teachers, disabled, musicians, actors, athletes, traders, professionals, foreigners, my ghetto brothers and sisters, the night workers, the farmers, the Okada riders, bus and taxi drivers, our compatriots in uniforms, you name them, who turned out to cast their votes in the belief of my commitment to make things better in our constituency? You reposed your trust and confidence in me and I must not turn my back on you now.

Of all the paths to securing a mandate to serve one’s nation, I chose the hard way. I chose to seek the validation of the ordinary man, not the pleasure of one man. It was and is hard and grueling, but it is the path I chose. I could have gotten it easier, but this is the path I have chosen and the path I wish to stick with. 

In the next coming days, weeks, and months, I will be announcing my specific political interests within my political party and the nation. I’ll keep you posted.

The journey might be long but I assure you I am in this for good. I am in this for you. I am in this for Salone.

God bless you, God bless Sierra Leone.

Yours truly,

Hon. Osman Timbo

The People’s Elected Representative.

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